Sujet de mémoire

Onderhouds- en exploitatiestrategieën in offshore windparken

This thesis describes by means of a literature study and comparative research the different phases in installation, anchoring and transport of 10MW+ windturbines and the operation and maintenance strategy of an offshore wind farm. This by explaining the different windturbine components, the construction of an offshore wind farm, the need to scale up less powerful windturbines to 10MW+ windturbines and the influence this upscaling has on the operation and maintenance strategy of an offshore wind farm.

An examination of recent industrial and economic developments in the offshore wind market reveals that offshore windturbines will be installed at greater distances from the coast. The depth at the installation location is also increasing. The 10MW+ windturbine requires construction vessels whose carrying and lifting capacities evolve in proportion to the weight and size of the windturbine components and supporting structures. However, this creates an optimisation problem because windturbines evolve faster in size and weight than the installation vessels and cranes can evolve in lifting capacity and space on the deck of the vessel.

Offshore construction vessels, such as crane barges and jack-up vessels will both have advantages and disadvantages in the construction process of the 10MW+ windturbine. The comparative research in this thesis focuses on two constructed wind farms and the installation equipment of GeoSea.

Nautische Faculteit - Themagroep Exploitatie en Scheepstechniek