TitreBoomkorvisserij: welke lessen kunnen we leren van de recente ongevallen

This is no joke, but it is statistically established that on average 1 Belgian beam trawling vessel perishes every year. This requires more research. Are the stability criteria for these ships insufficient, or is there another problem? Supported by Febima (Federal bureau for the investigation of maritime accidents), you will have the opportunity to delve into this matter and work out a proposal for the prevention of these disasters. Capt. H. De Veene of Febima will be co-promoter.

Enquête planifiée
Détails enquête
Directeur de thèseWerner Jacobs
EtudiantNom de l'étudiant indisponible - contactez le promoteur pour plus d'infos (Nautische Wetenschappen)
ThèmeNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Navigatie en Navigatiemiddelen