TitreAccident Investigation: The Bow Tie Model
Accident Investigation: The Bow Tie Model

Motive for the thesis subject:

My bachelor thesis was a comparative study investigating the differences and/or similarities between the safety regulations on board gas carriers and in gas terminals. I analysed the many safety standards existing for both the ship and shore side. By studying a real-life case I hope to go deeper into the subject and so the application of these standards. In the process of establishing a master thesis, I hope to develop something that can be useful in the future relating the safety on board and ashore.


Goal of the thesis and methods used to reach this goal:

The general idea behind my thesis is to investigate the process of an incident and the collaboration between shore and ship. The thesis will exist out of three parts.

The first part will be a literature study and the presentation of different models and the coosen one, the Bow Tie Model. I will apply this model to accident investigation in general and give some examples. Thereafter I will put the model to the test by applying it to a present-day case. 

Enquête planifiée
Détails enquête
Directeur de thèseAnne-Pascale Mornard
CopromoteurBie Van Deun
EtudiantNom de l'étudiant indisponible - contactez le promoteur pour plus d'infos (Nautische Wetenschappen)
ThèmeNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Exploitatie en Scheepstechniek
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