TitelConstructie en kalibratie van een toestel voor het meten van de luchtkwaliteit aan boord van zeeschepen

Goal of this project is to develop a cheap measuring tool for air/water quality measurements. Today cheaper sensors exist, but the question is whether these can be used for scientific research. Maybe they do not give the exact absolute concentration like the more expensive ones, but what is their accuracy to a change in concentration? Can we use them at a ppm level? or maybe ppb level? A lot of questions to answer. The candidate will do a lot of testing and therefore this will be a more practical thesis, but with a technical background. For this project we are looking for two students.

Enquête gepland
Details enquête
PromotorWerner Jacobs
StudentNaam van student niet beschikbaar - contacteer de promotor voor meer info (Nautische Wetenschappen)
ThemagroepNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Navigatie en Navigatiemiddelen