TitelThe life cycle of plastic waste on board of different types of ships
The life cycle of plastic waste on board of different types of ships

Pollution in seas and oceans is growing at an alarming rate. The seas have been suffering from uncontrolled dumping of waste into the sea for many years, and a percentage of it comes from the maritime sector.

Shipping plays an important role in this problem. Factors adding marine pollution compromise not only the effects of oil or harmful gas emissions, but also garbage generated on the ship during normal operation. Most of this garbage is plastic.

We consider plastic waste as all type of products containing plastic and used on board but specifically all the plastic considered trash after its use. This study will estimate the importance of the problem by analysing the origin of the plastics, its uses on board and its destination. The life cycle of plastic is understood as the process that encompasses its production, its useful life, its reuse (if possible) and ends with its recycling.

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PromotorGeert Potters
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ThemagroepNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Exploitatie en Scheepstechniek
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