La Construction d’un Boîtier Electrique pour des Capteurs à Paramètres Environnementaux

Predicting and assessing the risk of corrosion in industrial conditions (ports, offshore, shipping, ...) could prove very useful in corrosion management and subsequently, corrosion prevention and saving money spent on maintenance and repairs. Within the SOCORRO project, corrosion tests (of both corrosion rates and the physicochemical parameters defining the environment) will be set up in a variety of industrial conditions. To this end, a suitable installation where the (commercially available) sensors can be integrated into a compact enclosure together with a power source, which is resistant to the marine conditions to which it will be exposed. The installation has to be easy to be duplicated. Lastly, this installation has to be tested on the dynamic platform of the AMACORT group.


Enquête gepland
Details enquête
PromotorGeert Potters
CopromotorJoeri Horvath
StudentNaam van student niet beschikbaar - contacteer de promotor voor meer info (Mécanique Navale)
ThemagroepFaculteit Scheepswerktuigkunde - Themagroep Scheepswerktuigkunde