TitelData analyse en Machine Learning van aankomende schepen naar de haven van Antwerpen (periode 2018-2021)

At the first step (bachelor)

The study will provide a bibliometric review on the applications of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) in the maritime industry, published in academic outlets, authored by scholars. 

We identified four underlying research clusters (1) digital transformation in maritime industry, (2) applications of big data from AIS, (3) energy efficiency and (4) predictive analytics.

At the second step (master) implementation of one of the underlying research clusters and interpretation of the results.

With the following steps for his master research:

1. literature research in the field of machine learning in maritime industry and interpretation

2. Descriptive statistics and interpretation of the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) of vessels towards the Port of Antwerp period 2018-2021

3. Machine learning techniques and its interpretation of the ETA of vessels towards the Port of Antwerp

3.1. Effect of corona

3.2. Use of PCA

3.3. Use of neural networks

4. Conclusion

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PromotorMarc Vervoort
CopromotorMarc Vervoort
StudentNaam van student niet beschikbaar - contacteer de promotor voor meer info (Nautische Wetenschappen)
ThemagroepFaculteit Wetenschappen- Themagroep Toegepaste en Exacte Wetenschappen