TitelOnderzoek van fysische parameters van verven met zeewier extracten.
Étude des paramètres physiques des peintures à base d'extraits d'algues.

This project aims to provide a solid basis for the physicochemical transformation of seaweed biomass, derived from species which are available in the Belgian North Sea and are being targeted for further intensive cultivation, to ultimately provide a basis for non-food-applications. While the primary aim of the current North Sea seaweed cultivation is directed to food production, literature review (see below) indicates that many more potential uses can and should be considered. However, this requires a technological basis for (i) the directed extraction of such compounds, using technologies which have been proven for other types of biomass (WP1), and (ii) high throughput methods to screen these seaweed extracts for potential antibacterial activity (WP2) and (iii) further development of complex mixtures (paints and coatings) containing these extracts (WP4). As such, we envisage research at a low start TRL 2, while providing already a limited set of directed, practical demonstrations (paint, antibacterial actions) to kindle further industrial interest. We expect the research will reach TRL 4 in which the technologies will be validated in lab.

Task 4.4: Biofilm health on coated coupons (HZS)

As a last task, the effectiveness of the biofilm development (and, in return, of the coating mixtures to inhibit biofilm development), will be assessed using the methodologies described under Task 3.1. Biofilms of E. coli, S. aureus and P. aeruginosa will be cultivated again in multiwell plates, with the test coupons from Task 2.2 replacing solutions of seaweed extracts. If time permits, the two marine associations can be tested as well.

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PromotorRaf Meskens
StudentNaam van student niet beschikbaar - contacteer de promotor voor meer info (Nautische Wetenschappen)
ThemagroepNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Exploitatie en Scheepstechniek
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