TitelDe ontwikkeling van fotogrammetrie en de toepassing ervan in hydrografische onderzoeken
Le développement de la photogrammétrie et son application aux levés hydrographiques
Onderwerp (wordt vervangen door Abstract na indienen)

Although photogrammetry is now a common technique used for decades, its application in hydrography is fairly new and was recognized by classification societies only four years ago. Moreover, with development of complex algorithms and artificial intelligence, photogrammetry is a revolutionary tool applied for seabed mapping, coastal and offshore constructions as well as follow-up inspections of subsea installations.

For the bachelor thesis a study of different systems will be made. 

For the master thesis the student will look into taking part in a photogrammetric survey.

Enquête gepland
Details enquête
Samenwerking met industrie
Details samenwerking
PromotorFrederik Boumans
CopromotorAlison Noble
StudentNaam van student niet beschikbaar - contacteer de promotor voor meer info (Sciences Nautiques)
ThemagroepNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Navigatie en Navigatiemiddelen
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