TitelMaritime English: a focal point for training in the bridge simulator

The usage and evaluation of Maritime English in a maritime simulator environment may prove beneficial to training in the full mission bridge simulator, leading to potentially positive outcomes. This dissertation topic provides the chance to explore current practices regarding (Maritime) English and VHF communication in the simulator and offers recommendations about the 'twinning' of Martime English and simulator practice in the curriculum. Surveys conducted at Antwerp Maritime Academy, Belgium, and Aboa Mare in Turku, Finland, combined with observations in the simulator explore ideas about the use of Maritime English in simulator training. 

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Details enquête
PromotorAlison Noble
StudentNaam van student niet beschikbaar - contacteer de promotor voor meer info (Sciences Nautiques)
ThemagroepFaculteit Wetenschappen- Themagroep Humane Wetenschappen en Talen
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