TitelFouten bij het meten van windsnelheid en windrichting aan boord van schepen
Les erreurs en mesurant la vitesse et la force du vent à bord des navires

The goal is to improve the measurement of wind characteristics in order to improve the input in f.e. a dp system. This will be done based on actual results from a ship at sea. By means of statistic is it possible to find trends in the results? Afterwards windtunneltests with an existing model will be made in order to locate the ideal place for an anemometer (with minimum turbulence)

Enquête gepland
Details enquête
PromotorWerner Jacobs
CopromotorPeter Bueken
StudentNaam van student niet beschikbaar - contacteer de promotor voor meer info (Nautische Wetenschappen)
ThemagroepNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Navigatie en Navigatiemiddelen
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This dissertation is confidential, it cannot be consulted!