TitreCorrosieproblematieken aan boord van een baggerschip (1)
Problèmes de corrosion a bord d'un dragueur (1)

A dredging vessel uses and processes various liquids that cause corrosion by various mechanisms. The student will identify corrosion hotspots on board by interviewing chief engineers/chief mates and the technical department of a dredging company. After these interviews, the student will investigate identified hotspots on board with corrosion measurement techniques such as mass loss, charachterization of environment/materials and electrochemical measurements. An overview of corrosion hotspots, an in-depth look at and preventive measures for one or more hotspots is presented in this bachelor/master thesis.

Part of this research will be performed on board and can count towards sailing time.

If you wish to take up this topic, please send a motivational letter to wikke.witteveen@hzs.be

Enquête planifiéeJ
Détails enquête

Chief engineers
Chief mates
Technical department
Over the course of next academic year
Offices are located in Antwerp

Directeur de thèseWikke Witteveen
CopromoteurGeert Potters
EtudiantNom de l'étudiant indisponible - contactez le promoteur pour plus d'infos (Nautische Wetenschappen)
UnitéNautische Faculteit - Vakgroep Exploitatie en Scheepstechniek
Eindwerk is enkel beschikbaar via HZS intranet!
Ce mémoire n'est disponible que sur l'intranet de l'école!
This dissertation can only be consulted on the AMA intranet!