Titleontwerp en uitvoering van een nieuwe aandrijfsysteem voor de zonneboot
Conception et construction d’un système de propulsion pour bateau solaire

Design and realization of a new propulsion system for the solar boat.

Starting with an existing electric motor and a final drive of an outboard motor we need to develop a strong and reliable propulsion system to install in our new solar boat. 

We take in account all the parameters such as speed, gear-ratio, dimensions, mounting facilities, ...

Furthermore, it needs to be easily accessible and simple to service and repair and build up in a modular way so that the different parts can be easily changed.

Also, a steering system has to be integrated in the concept


Achieve knowledge into mechanical driving systems

Constructing a drive system, starting from a concept.

Focus on reliability and safety.


Concept and drawings: December 2018

Development: January 2019

Practical Execution: February 2019

Testing & fine tuning: April 2019

Spare parts: Mai 2019

Provisional content:

-Problem statement with requirements

-Primary concepts

-Final design

-Description operations

-Fine tuning





Survey planned
Survey details
AdvisorMarc Sterkens
Assistant advisor
StudentStudent's name unavailable - contact the advisor if you require more information (Mécanique Navale)
Research themeFaculteit Scheepswerktuigkunde - Themagroep Scheepswerktuigkunde
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