TitleAutonome afvalcollectie van plastiekafval in rivieren

Drediging company DEME is testing an autonomous system to identify floating waste in the river Scheldt (at the bridge of Temse) by AI and collect the waste by way of an autonomous barge. In a first phase. Assessment of the system starts with an overview of the types of material being collected, in correlation to, for example, weather conditions and tidal behavior. Frequent visits to the DEME operations in Temse will be necessary.

This project is for students who are looking for a new master thesis topic, as well as for students starting a bachelor thesis, and will lead to an extension next year.

Promoters: Dr H. Verstraelen and Dr G. Potters

Survey planned
Survey details
AdvisorGeert Potters
Assistant advisorHelen Verstraelen
StudentStudent's name unavailable - contact the advisor if you require more information (Nautische Wetenschappen)
Research themeNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Exploitatie en Scheepstechniek
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