TitleWhat challenges did the Superyacht Industry face when implementing the Maritime Labour Convention 2006? Which issues are still pending? How have they been rectified?

What does it take and mean to ratify it?

• What are the challenges?

• Full time charter/private yacht that occasionally charters/YET (what are the differences?

how is MLC 2006 different for crew on these types)

• How are these challenges dealt with? (experience from people on smaller yachts versus

large yachts, interview?) could MLC be adapted for super yachts? Is that possible (own

idea, theory after investigation)

Survey planned
Survey details
AdvisorMarieke Uten
Assistant advisor
StudentStudent's name unavailable - contact the advisor if you require more information (Nautische Wetenschappen)
Research themeNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Exploitatie en Scheepstechniek
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