TitleAnalyse van koolstofafvang- en opslagsystemen in de maritieme industrie: fundamentele principes, vernieuwingen, impact en reglementaire perspectieven
Analyse des systèmes de capture et de stockage du carbone dans l'industrie maritime: principes fondamentaux, innovations, impacts et perspectives réglementaires
  1. Phenomena behind these changes
    1. Acidification
    2. Marine Heatwaves
  2. The response of marine ecosystems
    1. Changes in food chain
    2. The introduction of Non-Indigenous Species
  3. The future of artisanal fishing methods
    1. Additional pressure on ecosystems
    2. Towards an adaptation policy and sustainable fishing methods
Survey planned
Survey details
AdvisorGeert Potters
Assistant advisor
StudentStudent's name unavailable - contact the advisor if you require more information (Sciences Nautiques)
Research themeFaculteit Wetenschappen- Themagroep Toegepaste en Exacte Wetenschappen