TitleHet vinden van de meeste efficiënte manier om oscillerende energie te converteren naar elektrische energie en deze te integreren op schepen
Trouver le moyen le plus efficace de convertir l’énergie oscillante en énergie électrique et de l’intégrer sur les navires.

Literate study on what wave energy exactly means to get a better idea of how this can be applied on ships.

Finding a low RPM high torque elektromotor that converts oscillating energy to electrical energy.

Carrying out tests to achieve this in the most efficient way possible.

Finding a way to integrate this system in a contained manner into the technology of a ship.

Survey planned
Survey details
AdvisorWerner Jacobs
Assistant advisor
StudentStudent's name unavailable - contact the advisor if you require more information (Nautische Wetenschappen)
Research themeNautische Faculteit - Themagroep Navigatie en Navigatiemiddelen
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