TitleCommunicatie- en organisatieproblemen bij de veiligheidstraining voor passagiers op cruiseschepen
Problèmes de communication et d'organisation lors des instructions de sécurité aux passagers en croisière

Masterscriptie/Mémoire Master

The organization of the compulsory safety drills for passengers on a cruise ship involves different issues varying from crew management (function, tasks assigned, time management) and company policy (towards crew and passengers) to logistics (space for drills, gathering people) and communication (language barrier, tourist vs. professional expectations and objectives). The first part of the analysis will be dedicated to list all problematic issues for crew, company and passengers. Based on these findings, a survey will be conceived, which will be launched for the master thesis. Depending on the previous research, it could either be directed to one company (case study) or various. The focus will be put on the communication issues.

Survey planned
Survey details
AdvisorLudwina Van Son
Assistant advisor
StudentStudent's name unavailable - contact the advisor if you require more information (Nautische Wetenschappen)
Research themeFaculteit Wetenschappen- Themagroep Humane Wetenschappen en Talen
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