TitleSimulatie van de vertraging van het stochastisch op- en afvaartproces van de haven van Antwerpen (deel nautische partner: zeeloodsen)
Simulation du retard de l'approche stochastique et du depart du port d'Anvers (partie Pilots de mer)

In collaboration with the Port of Antwerp and the university of Antwerp, we simulate the factors of delay from different partners in the nautical chain towards and from the harbour of Antwerp. 

First the partners will be discussed, followed by the delays produced by each partners with their consequences. 

Then a simulation will be done of the nautical chain and the first set up of the simulation model.

From January 2019 starts a BOF academisation project 'Optimisation of the nautical supply chain towards the port of Antwerp' with the university of Antwerp and the Antwerp Maritime Academy with the full collaboration of the authorities of the harbour of Antwerp. This project starts from January 2019 until December 2021 (limit of using the budget from the university of Antwerp).

During the following years we expect several final works will be performed into this subject.

Survey planned
Survey details
AdvisorMarc Vervoort
Assistant advisor
StudentStudent's name unavailable - contact the advisor if you require more information (Nautische Wetenschappen)
Research themeFaculteit Wetenschappen- Themagroep Toegepaste en Exacte Wetenschappen
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