TitelOnderzoek naar de mogelijkheden en implementatie van hardware op de Full Mission Engine Room Simulator
Recherche des possibilités et implémentation du matériel sur le simulateur de salle des machines à mission complete
Onderwerp (wordt vervangen door Abstract na indienen)

Title English

Research to the possibilities and implementation of hardware on the Full Mission Engine Room Simulator



The Bachelor's thesis researches the use of maritime simulators worldwide. How these are used and which hardware is linked to them.

Based on these results, a theoretical study is then conducted into which practices can best and most desirable be used on the Full Mission Simulators at the Antwerp Maritime Academy with (or without) the help of the I/Os (Input Outputs).


The Master's thesis then looks at the implementation of this hardware, with or without the help of the I/Os, in the Full Mission Simulator at the Antwerp Maritime Academy.


La mémoire de Bachelor étudie l'utilisation des simulateurs maritimes dans le monde. Comment ceux-ci sont utilisés et quel matériel y est lié.

Sur la base de ces résultats, une étude théorique est ensuite menée pour déterminer quelles pratiques peuvent être utilisées de la meilleure manière et la plus souhaitable sur les simulateurs de mission complète de l'Académie maritime d'Anvers avec (ou sans) l'aide des I/O's (Inputs Outputs).


Le mémoire de Master porte ensuite sur l'implémentation de ce matériel, avec ou sans l'aide des I/O's, dans le Full Mission Simulator de l'Académie Maritime d'Anvers.


In de Bachelorscriptie wordt onderzoek gedaan naar het gebruik van Maritieme simulatoren wereldwijd. Hoe deze gebruikt worden en welke hardware hieraan gekoppeld wordt.

Aan de hand van deze resultaten wordt vervolgens een theoretische studie gedaan naar welke praktijken het best en meest wenselijk gebruikt kunnen worden op de Full Mission Simulatoren op de Hogere Zeevaartschool van Antwerpen met (of zonder) behulp van de I/O's (Inputs Outputs).

In de Masterscriptie wordt vervolgens gekeken naar de implementatie van deze hardware, met of zonder behulp van de I/O's, in de Full Mission Simulator op de Hogere Zeevaartschool van Antwerpen.


First Input From student:


I felt that during my formation in AMA, the class concerning simulators helped us a lot and moreover, having the new full mission simulator getting installed with multiple screens is a definite advantage. Mister Tim Cools came up to me with this very interesting subject which is Study of Engine Room Simulators Around The World and Equipment Implementation in Our Simulator

1) Simulators According to STCW and IMO:

  • Different Classes 
  • Different Needs 

It is also really important to know about regulation part concerning the simulators and how the simulator needs to fit with the IMO/STCW regulations. I will talk about the conventions and amendments about the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers.

2) Engine Room Simulators on the market:

I am also interested about which companies are on the market and how they provides the full mission ERS.

few examples of companies on the market:

  • Kongsberg
  • rheinmetall
  • Warstila
  • Vstep 

3) The use of the ERS in other academies

I plan to contact different academies to learn how they use simulators and how these affect student success based on the type of simulator used. To do this, I will prepare a structured interview for each academic I speak with. After the interviews, I will summarize my outreach process, the challenges I encountered, and the responses I received. Additionally, I will conduct a literature review on the training methods and simulator types used at other universities to better understand my findings within the existing research.

4) How can we enhance our Full Mission Engine Room Simulator (FMERS) with input/output devices?

During this year I am planning to learn more about the other academies and which hardware simulator they are using and if there is any Inputs/outputs device to make the simulator experience more real and this will allow me to open more the next-year subject which is : the implementation of this hardware, with or without the help of the I/Os, in the Full Mission Simulator at the Antwerp Maritime Academy.

Enquête geplandJ
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In loop van de Bachelor (en/of Masster)scriptie

Samenwerking met industrie
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PromotorTim Cools
StudentNaam van student niet beschikbaar - contacteer de promotor voor meer info (Mécanique navale (ac))
ThemagroepFaculteit Scheepswerktuigkunde - Themagroep Scheepswerktuigkunde
Eindwerk is enkel beschikbaar via HZS intranet!
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