Subject of dissertation

Afwerken van de golfgenerator AMAiwave
Finition du générateur d'ondes AMAiwave

During the 2022-2023 academic year, a master student built a wave generator in our test lab on Kambala Street. The result is very clever and creates many different wave types, with different amplitude and period. In a first stage, we need to take stock of the waves generated so that we have a good idea of what the generator can do, but more importantly, what it cannot do. In a second phase, we should compare the results obtained with the wave profiles needed within the FinEShiP & AMARETO project. Changes to the wave generator may need to be made to align the two. In the next phase, a wave absorber should be installed on the other side of the test pool.

Nautische Faculteit - Vakgroep Exploitatie en Scheepstechniek